
We wish to alert you to the fact that one of our service providers(The FASTBOOKING ASIA PTE LTD) has suffered a security incident that allowed malicious people to break into their computer system. As a result, some of your personal data may have been misappropriated.

The source of the intrusion established on June 19, 2018 is under control and the necessary steps have been taken to prevent the incident from recurring. As soon as we became aware, we informed the affected clients and the supervisory authority of this data breach. Herein ,We recommend that you, for your part, take considerable caution in the management of your emails. It cannot be ruled out that this piracy is aimed to carry out phishing-type actions, for example.

Thus, if you receive an email coming from our hotel but asking for a payment, a credit card number, or any other confidential information, do not answer and contact us immediately (Leofoo Residences, Tel:+886-2-7701-0165) this may be an attempt at fraud.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

Leofoo Residences

六福居レジデンス ホテルはMRT中山駅に近い、南京東路一段で林森公園の向かい側にあり眺めのいい広い客室で、すべての部屋には台所や、洗濯機などできる設備あり。観光や出張やファミリー旅行、長期滞在などお薦めです。

到着日:  ご出発日:  大人:  子供の人数 (12歳以下) :
特別割引 / 料金コード : キャンセル オプション
線上訂房 回上頁